
The next intake of the EUPATI Patient Expert Training is now open for registrations!

The EUPATI Patient Expert Training Programme is a training programme about the medicines’ development process. It covers the entire lifecycle of medicines research and development (R&D), from the design and execution of clinical trials to regulatory processes and Health Technology Assessment (HTA).

In addition to detailed information on each step of the process, the training also describes how patients can be involved at each stage. The overall objective of the programme is to obtain a thorough understanding of the medicines R&D process, the patients’ role within and build capacity among the patient community to take on an active role in collaboration with the other involved stakeholders.

Graduates of the EUPATI Patient Expert Programme (EUPATI Fellow Programme) are also known as EUPATI Fellows. The EUPATI Fellow title certifies the knowledge gained and gives graduates the opportunity to be recognised as expert patients.

While the programme is mainly addressed to patients and patient representatives (e.g., carers and persons working for patient organisations), it is open to all individuals interested in medicines R&D and patient engagement. The programme does not focus on any specific disease area, examples and case studies are provided from a variety of different disease areas. The only requirement for enrolment is a good proficiency of English, as the training is provided in English.
